contact us-test

You may be able to get an immediate answer to your question if you check out our frequently asked questions. Alternatively there's a bunch of ways you can talk to us...  

Send an  Email

(preferred mode of contact 24/7)
Please fill out below form, Most enquiries sent between business hours will be replied between 2-6 hours. Alternatively, you can email us:

Give us a Call

Available Monday to Friday,9 am to 6 pm
NSW/ACT02 9699 2485    VIC/TAS03 9005 5588     
QLD/NT  07 3103 7346  SA  08 7200 3165  WA  08 6102 3576
If we are unavailable take your call, please leave a message on our voicemail or clickhere to request a call back. We will be sure to contact you back as soon as possible. 

Send us an eFax

Please send all fax to:   02 8905 9282

Send us Mail

PO Box 540   Brentford Square  VIC 3131   Australia 

Warehouse & Distribution

Please note that we do not operate a physical shop front and that browsing products at our address is not available.
Sydney: 1 Childs Rd  Chipping Norton  NSW 2170
Melbourne:  48 Prosperity Way  Dandenong VIC 3175
Hongkong:  Level 3 Fuk Shing Building  Fanling N.T. HKSAR